ICT Infrastructure

ICT Infrastructure
Sr.No. Description Number Remark

FORMAT – I (Computer Infrastructure) :
No. of Computer Labs No. of Computer Lab having LAN connectivity Internet facility Yes/No Broadband connection Yes/No If KV has a Website, its address

1 1 Yes Yes https://udalguri.kvs.ac.in

FORMAT-II (E-mail IDs)
E-mail ID Whether E-mail ID is functional, Yes/No Date on which last E-mail was sent/received

Kvudalguri784509@gmail.com Yes 02/05/2020

FORMAT – III (Functioning of websites of KVs)
Has KV is own Website? Yes/No If yes, its address Is it regularly updated Yes/No Date on which it was last updated

Yes https://udalguri.kvs.ac.in Yes 02.05.2020